Newcastle under-Lyme:



AmityHub is a place where young people can meet, make friendships, learn, receive support and advice, have fun and feel part of their community

If you are a young person aged between 13-25 years and you are seeking asylum or you are a refugee and looked after by Staffordshire Council, you could join us at Amityhub Newcastle where you will receive a warm welcome.

Making Pathways, Moving Mountains for Young People and their Community

Amityhub, the beginning of a new journey

Every day, all over the world, people make one of the most difficult decisions in their lives, to leave their homes in search of a safer, better life. These journeys, which all start with the hope for a better future, can also be full of danger and fear.


Therapeutic services at Amityhub Newcastle, work with clients to empower them to manage and come to terms with their situation. We offer them a safe space to tell their stories and to be heard. Together we can start to find ways to make sense of their lives, drawing on the resilience and strengths that have got them through this far and to work together to find ways to start the process of building their new lives.


Amity Hub


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Turning words into action for young people

Above n Beyond working to create a safer community for young people coming to the UK